“I need to write a blog for work.
What shall I write it about? It needs to be on insurance really…”
My husband raises an eyebrow and I think he stifles a yawn.
“How rude” I think, then remember that when my husband has difficulty sleeping, he often asks me to talk about my day at work.
In his words, it never fails to help him drift off!
In short, yes, there are more interesting subjects to talk about than insurance, but it is a fact of life that we are all going to need insurance of some type at various points in our lives. Some of the best and most memorable TV ads are indeed for insurance, with meerkats and opera singers springing to mind.
There are quirky bits about insurance, and I have had some interesting clients over the years including the perfumer who wished to insure his (very valuable) nose and the company director buying a luxury sports car on an almost weekly basis (who says the economy is doing badly?).
There have also been some interesting claims including the goat that destroyed a lovely, shiny new Range Rover after seeing its own reflection and thinking it was another goat. And a monkey who stole some binoculars from a holidaymaker on safari.
How can stories as interesting as this send people to sleep?
I also remind the aforementioned husband that there have been so many claims over the years, and some of the larger losses would have caused those companies to fold had they bought inadequate cover.
Husband then pipes up to remind me that when I first started in insurance at the tender age of 18 – the times of chittys, memos, faxes and opening soooo much post up every morning – I would sleep talk about writing cover notes for my clients (oh dear). I am glad we don’t have to write cover notes these days, although they’re not completely obsolete.
Insurance has certainly moved on a lot from those days, different risks have emerged and requirements have altered, but whether it’s a boring topic or not, we all need insurance.
If you’d like to risk less, contact Macbeth today for all of life’s surprises.