
Inside Scoop: What I’ve learned as a beginner in the Insurance industry

July 25, 2024

I began working at Macbeth Insurance Brokers as an apprentice in September 2023 and so far I’ve learnt a lot. After a few months in the job, it really hit me how little I knew about Insurance before joining. Looking back, some of these things seem silly, but without working in the industry I would have never known any better. To share a snippet of what I’ve learnt, I wanted to highlight 3 of my key takeaways from the last few months.


1. The industry is so varied

Would you have thought it possible to insure someone’s voice or even more bizarre items? I certainly wouldn’t have thought so, but it most certainly is possible (one way or another). In my day-to-day role I have come across such a variety of policies and risks which makes every day very engaging. Before joining the industry, I only really thought about standard home and car insurance, but it turns out the Insurance horizon is much broader than I had ever imagined.


2. “Insurance is boring”

Let’s get this one out of the way; Insurance is definitely not boring! When I tell friends what I do for work, it’s often met with this assumption but I can wholeheartedly say this could not be further from the truth. I have come across such a range of policies and clients during my time in the industry which always keeps things interesting. The only thing that’s boring is the wait at the train station on my way home.


3. Compliance is…fun?

While fun probably isn’t the first word that comes to mind when thinking about compliance, I’ve actually looked forward to learning about compliance throughout my apprenticeship. While I’ll admit this might sound a little sad, I’ve really found learning about the extensive compliance regulations to be very engaging. I guess it’s quite good that I’m enjoying it considering how important they are!

While some of the things in this blog may sound counter-intuitive, I can assure you they really are true (at least in my eyes). But maybe the reason I find it all so exciting, is the incredible team at Macbeth who have been mentoring me. Everyone has been very welcoming and I’ve learnt so much and that is what makes insurance interesting.



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