Liability Insurance

Your best defence against a compensation culture

Liability Insurance

You shouldn’t have to worry about compensation claims. But no matter how well you treat your teams or how health and safety conscious you are, an accidental slip or tumble and a trip to court could bankrupt your business. We’ll work out what you need and find an insurer to fight your corner. So you risk less.

What is Liability Insurance?

It’s the thing you wish you didn’t have to worry about. Liability Insurance protects you  financially when someone tries to claim compensation for illness or injury caused by your business. It’s usually a two-in-one policy combining Employers’ Liability Insurance and Public Liability Insurance. Employers’ Liability covers you for claims made by employees and former employees, and Public Liability covers you for claims made by clients, contractors or members of the public. 

You may also need Product Liability Insurance which insures you for compensation claims against a faulty product. 

Your regulatory body may require you to have Liability Insurance. And if you welcome visitors to your premises, or you operate in and around the general public, you’ll need Liability Insurance.

– Ben Butler, Liability Insurance specialist at Macbeth

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How Liability Insurance protects you

If your business is accused of causing damage, injury or death (however unlikely this might sound), you’ll face a substantial compensation claim. Liability Insurance will pay out for compensation (up to the cover limit) or help you defend the claim.

We’ll ask you lots of questions to find out exactly what liability insurance you need. And what you don’t.

Don't let liability insurance trip you up
  • Employers’ Liability Insurance

    Protect your business from compensation claims made by past and present employees.

  • Public Liability Insurance

    Cover claims made by customers and contractors, suppliers, visitors and passers-by. Essential if you operate in the public domain.

  • Products Liability Insurance

    Insure your products against claims for injury or property damage. Perfect for conscientious product-based businesses.

  • Airside Liability Insurance

    If your business works at an airport, you’ll need a higher level of liability cover.

  • Specialist Liability Insurance

    For high-risk occupations like roofing, scaffolding and recycling, and high-risk sectors like security, cleaning, recruitment and the production of medical devices.

Why you should consider Liability Insurance

  • Employers’ Liability Insurance is compulsory for most companies under Health & Safety legislation. Fines for failure to comply can be as much as £2,500 a day.

  • Public Liability Insurance is compulsory for some professions (and often a contractual requirement).

  • Public Liability Insurance also covers costs the NHS might claim for ambulance call outs and hospital treatment.

  • Your insurer will fight your corner if you’re not liable. And cover legal costs even if the claim against you is found to be false.

  • A good insurer should help you establish who’s considered to be an employee in the eyes of the law, how much your cover limit should be, and how to deal with complex issues such as US exports.

Your legal costs will be covered even if the claim against you is false.

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