Huf Haus Insurance for glass and timber homes

Insurance without the glass ceiling

Huf Haus Insurance for glass and timber homes

Outright refusal to cover, pricey premiums and exorbitant excesses. When you commissioned your Huf Haus, you didn’t realise getting insured would be such a struggle. We specialise in Huf Haus Insurance so we’re not intimidated by the quantity of glass. We understand the nuances of glass and timber homes, so we won’t charge you a fortune for all the unknowns. 

What’s our approach to Huf Haus Insurance?

When our first Huf Haus client asked us to arrange insurance for their first glass and timber home in 2013, we were shocked at how many insurers turned us down. The risk of the unknown was just too great. 

So we made it our mission to find specialist insurers who understand Huf Haus owners and provide uncompromising cover with generous limits (without the extortionate price tag). 

Feeling miffed that Huf Haus is getting all the spotlight? We also insure Hanse Haus, Baufritz, Scandia-Hus, Meisterstueck Haus and WeberHaus homes. There just wasn’t enough room in the title!


“We insure over 100 Huf Haus properties but we’ve also navigated 50 successful Huf Haus claims. It’s why Huf Haus (and the Huf Haus Owners Club) recommend us.”

– Carl Sharp, Huf Haus Insurance specialist

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Questions about Huf Haus Insurance?

Alternatively, give us a call on: 0118 916 5480

How Huf Haus Insurance protects you

Huf Haus Insurance is a home and contents insurance policy designed for unique glass and timber homes (also sometimes referred to as prefab homes). 

The best thing about it? There’s no excess for accidental damage to glass. And if you need to make a claim, you’re also covered for Huf-Haus-approved parts and contractors.

Specialist Huf Haus insurance with flexible terms, generous limits and no excess for accidental glass damage:

Specialist Huf Haus insurance
  • Excess-free glass cover

    No excess for glass breakages or accidental damage.

  • Huf Haus-approved specialist repairs

    All contractors and replacement parts and products are Huf Haus approved.

  • Worldwide ‘all risks’ cover

    Huf Haus Insurance also covers contents, personal effects, art, antiques and jewellery. Even when they’re not at home.

  • Warranty-free security

    You’re insured against burglaries even if a door or window is left open or unlocked.

  • Explanation-free advice

    You’ll never have to explain how a Huf Haus is different. We understand the nuances of glass and timber homes from the basement to the flat roofs (and every lock in between).

What you need to know before you insure your Huf Haus

  • A Huf Haus is made from prefabricated timber and glass. So it doesn’t fall into the widely used (but heavily restricted) ‘standard construction’ descriptions that are recognised by most insurance companies.

  • Standard home insurance policies require two estimates for repairs and the insurer will always select the cheapest. But a Huf Haus can only be repaired or rebuilt by Huf Haus. So, like a listed building, you need specialist cover.

  • Because Huf Hauses are built to such a high standard, they’re expensive to rebuild. So it’s worth finding a specialist insurer that caters for higher-value homes, and is prepared to carry out a rebuilding valuation.

  • Huf Haus Insurance can include a guaranteed rebuilding cost known as Extended Replacement. So you don’t have to worry about the impact of exchange rate fluctuations.

  • Under standard home insurance policies, the excess for glass claims can be as much as £1,000 (because standard insurers don’t understand the design of Huf Haus windows and insist that key-operated-locks are fitted to all accessible windows).

A Huf Haus is a bit like a listed building – you need specialist insurance cover to match its unique build, structure and materials.

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Insurance without the glass ceiling
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