Paul Macbeth headshot
Paul Macbeth headshot

A Week of Lessons

March 20, 2020

Wow. What a week it’s been! Interesting. Pressurised. Energising. Worrying. Exhausting. But, as a week of unknowns reaches its conclusion (although I do write this before the PM’s daily press conference!) what have I learnt?


Leaders that lead

it’s our time to shine. To think clearly, calmly and considerately. To show our people a clear path through a mountain of news and fears; some genuine, some not. To maintain a balanced, pragmatic view but with some positivity. If we’re not positive, then how do we expect our people to be? The adrenaline’s been flowing all week (hence my lack of sleep!) but the sense of achievement in doing what I’m paid to do, is huge.


This is a great opportunity 

for employers to show their people (and prospective future people) just how amazing you are. That you are experts. That you are flexible. That you care…..about them and their families. Hard to prove but so easy to remember and it builds loyalty. One member of my team emailed me today to thank us for everything we’re doing on ‘flexible working’ in view of the schools closing from today. He ended his email with the hashtag #macbethsforlife. Enough said.


Being a small business owner is as tough as ever

for those that struggle to understand just how hard it is, now they might start to understand! No risk management team, no IT team, no HR team, no PR team, just an incredible management team of talented people that work so hard and put the business before themselves.


Communication is key

keep talking and keep clear regular communication channels open with your people. Let them know what you’re thinking and why. And ask for feedback as contrary to some opinions, we don’t know everything!


When the going gets tough…..the tough get going

What incredible support and acts of kindness amongst the business community. We’re actively doing everything we can to help our partners and our clients. We’re exchanging ideas and brainstorming with several like-minded firms in the region and its proven invaluable. It enhances your brand within the business community when you step up to the plate and help others not as lucky as you.


Plan for difficult times

ensuring business continues is essential but this needs to be written down, and don’t be afraid to keep your plan simple and fluid. We must be flexible and nimble in these unprecedented times when no one knows what’s around the corner.



as my Wife and I prepare to embark on a journey of home-schooling our 4 year old twins from Monday (with some trepidation!) we’re sure that this period will make us appreciate, and respect, our amazing teachers even more than we currently do! Although I have a feeling that a little more wine than usual will be consumed in the Macbeth household once ‘school-time’ has finished!


At the end of such a challenging week, my over-riding feeling is one of pride; in my magnificent team, and in being part of such a supportive, caring business community. I’m incredibly lucky.

If we can help you in any way, just ask.

Best wishes


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